( 0 – 3 Months ) :- The emotional are expressed in a very playful manner without any comprehension. But when a child is annoyed, they make a fars only by crying !!
( 3 – 6 Months ) :- Emotional intensity includes making eye contact, teeny-tiny smiling, and soothing themselves by thumps sucking is common happily clapping ” Hi ” or ” Bye ” . ” Mommy and Daddy ” clues will make them excited.
( 6 – 9 Months ) :- Invention of new words and emotions take place, when they start learning scroll & walk, your baby now responds to her /his name, loves to cuddle with family members and may show shyness or fear of strangers. They starting getting emotionally connected with parents, even they understand color their toys, person, preferences.
( 9 -12 Months ) :- They will be loving music and rhymes and will bounce and sway to the rhymes. They can pickup an object with their thumb and fingers. You could give your baby home made foods like ground up meats, whole rice or soft bread. Just make sure the solids are small and mushy enough to prevent choking.